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Insuring You! Why Life Insurance Is Necessary Whoever You Are

You may be fastidious about renewing your vehicle insurance, home insurance and other policies that ensure that your family, your income and your home is well protected but are you looking after No. 1?

Life Insurance is easy to neglect when you are busy being all things to all people.  But, what would happen if the worst was to happen to you?  While nobody likes to dwell on these things, ensuring that you are fully insured is the greatest gift you can give to those around you.

Still not convinced? Here are 7 great reasons why life insurance is necessary for everyone – even you!

  1. Provide Financial Security

The biggest reason for buying life insurance is to ensure that your loved ones are able to carry on without your income.  This kind of financial security means that those closest to you are able to remain in the family home, continue school or college or generally live without having to make further difficult changes even after you are gone.

  1. Cover the cost of your funeral

Even basic funerals can be expensive and knowing that the costs are covered can be a huge relief during such difficult times.  Regardless of your age or marital status, someone will need to foot the bill for your funeral.  Life insurance ensures that this is covered.

  1. Clear your debts

As unjust as it seems, even death doesn’t automatically wipe out your obligations to financial institutions.  If you are co-signed on a mortgage or other type of loan, the debt will automatically pass to the remaining signatory, making them solely responsible for the debt. Even if the debts are in your name only, your creditors could try to come after your estate for the monies owed, meaning your legacy could rapidly deplete for your intended heirs.  Life insurance means that these things are taken care of.

  1. Plan for your children’s future

As a parent, leaving your children provided for will be of the utmost importance to you.  A life insurance policy enables you to leave money behind for their future education and can clear student loans allowing them to start their working life unburdened with student loans.

  1. Protect your business

If you own your own business or are in a partnership it is important that your obligations are covered and that the remaining partner is not left saddled with debt should you die.

  1. Settle your estate Taxes

Estate and inheritance taxes can make a big dent on any potential proceeds from your will.  If you don’t want to see your loved ones hit with huge bills after you pass, your life insurance policy can help to cover these additional costs.

  1. Life insurance buys time and options for those you leave behind.

As if facing the death of a loved one is not hard enough, the relatives you leave behind may be forced into making tough decisions quickly.  Life insurance gives your survivors a chance to adjust and make decisions in their own time.

  1. Life insurance is for EVERYONE – not just those with families

A common misconception is that it is only those with families who need to worry about life insurance.  This is definitely not the case.  Even as a single person, life insurance can help to protect you.  You may have roommates who rely on your rental payments, or you may have a family history of medical conditions that could kick in later in life, making it difficult for you to obtain affordable insurance.

Life Insurance from The Sena Group

So, what are you waiting for? If you would like to find out more about the right life insurance policy for you, call us today at 561-391-4661.

For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.


The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487