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Camping 2838046 1280

Why RV Popularity is on the Rise

One of the most interesting RV trends that are changing our nation’s social landscape is RV popularity. The media portrays everyday people taking long road trips and sleeping on rough, unlit, open expanses in large spaces. For many, it is this simplicity that entices them to buy an RV, to begin with. But there is a much deeper reason for the RV popularity surge that goes beyond superficial convenience. The growing popularity of camping and backpacking on rough terrain that can be found almost everywhere across the country provides a unique opportunity to expand the human experience beyond the box. This transformation of public consciousness is taking place at a time when outdoor recreation is enjoying a historic comeback.

Camping and backpacking are increasingly popular among a wide cross-section of the American population. Not only do people want more opportunities to experience the outdoors, but they also are realizing that there is a distinct benefit to being active outdoors. While many have begun by backpacking or camping in remote locations for short periods of time, more Americans are recognizing the unique opportunities that can be found not only in nature but in the city as well. With city living being such an active and demanding experience, many are finding that spending their free time doing something active outside is much more rewarding and can lead to better health overall.

It is important to remember that recreational vehicle usage does not necessarily equate to extreme recreation. There are many who enjoy the peace and quiet of a quiet weekend spent in the great outdoors. Some would even say that going RVing is a form of therapy. By creating a space where one can experience nature and still have all of the amenities of home, a person can often find themselves escaping from the stresses of the daily grind, whether it is stress-related or not. If we continue to downplay the value of being active outdoors, we may unintentionally contribute to an environment that is unsafe for both humans and wildlife.

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The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487