What Does Workers Compensation Cover?
The potential always exists for a great many types of at-work injuries. They encompass dog bites and slip-and-fall accidents to working around hazardous substances. Injuries can prevent people from working and earning a living. That’s where Worker’s Compensation is invaluable.
Medical Care
Commonly referred to as workman’s comp, it’s a type of insurance carried by employers to pay for the cost of medical care for employees if they’re physically injured while on the job. It also provides care if their condition is the result of workplace environments that can include hearing loss to repetitive motion injuries as a result of working conditions.
It’s not just physical injuries that are covered under Worker’s Compensation Insurance. Employees can also be covered for stress-related and psychological conditions arising from work-related conditions.
Many individuals are exposed to toxic substances during the course of their employment and resultant illnesses can be covered by Workman’s Compensation. Some of those substances include mold, chemicals, PFAS, and asbestos.
The insurance also covers the cost of rehabilitation therapy so individuals can return to work. If a person isn’t able to return to their previous employment due to the nature of the medical condition, Worker’s Compensation can include job training, career counseling, and help in finding new employment opportunities.
Lost Wages
Employees will also receive a portion of their wages. Known as disability benefits, they can be awarded for varying lengths of time. They can be paid for the time until an individual returns to work or longer if they’re unable to work permanently.
If the event that an employee loses their life in a workplace incident, Worker’s Compensation has a provision for death benefits that are paid to the victim’s family. It typically includes a lump sum amount as compensation for their loss, along with an amount to cover funeral and burial costs.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
We can be found on Social Media at the following links.
The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487