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Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation

A vacation is a wonderful time to rest, relax and rewind. Unfortunately, many individuals return only to discover their home has been burglarized. It’s easy to overlook precautions in the flurry and excitement to leave, but make a check list of things to do. There are a number of actions that individuals can take to help protect their home and keep it safe while they’re away on vacation.


The devices will automatically turn lights on and off, making it appear as if someone is home. Purchase one for every room in the home and set them each for different hours.

Mail and Packages

Have a trusted family member, friend or neighbor collect mail and any packages while the family is gone. It’s best not to order things that will be delivered while everyone is away.

Visiting Vehicles

It can be helpful to have someone periodically park their vehicle in the driveway as if they’re visiting. An alternative is hiring a house sitter or having a family member or friend stay in the home during the vacation.

Power Surges

Summer temperatures place an increased demand on the electric grid and storms can knock out power. Invest in surge protectors for valuable electronics, along with appliances.

Fridge and HVAC

Be sure to clean out the fridge, reset temps for HVAC units, and unplug anything that doesn’t have a surge protector.

Social Media

Don’t advertise your plans on social media. Definitely don’t post vacation photos while you’re away.


Jewelry, collections and artwork should be relocated to a safety deposit box or secure storage facility.

Doors and Windows

Make sure all doors and windows are closed and securely locked, including the basement, garage and out buildings.

Alert Alarm Company

Homeowners need to notify the company that handles their home security that they’ll be away and the dates they plan to be gone.

For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.


The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487