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Things That Cannot Be Insured

Things That Cannot be Insured

  It’s been said that there’s an insurance policy for everything and some may be tempted to believe that. Insurance policies are available for everything from body parts and alien abduction to ghosts and equine erectile dysfunction, but there are…

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Do I Need Fine Art Insurance?

Do I Need Fine Art Insurance?

Insurance companies typically define fine art as something that has historic or artistic significance requiring special skills to create and is unique or rare. That can include paintings, sculptures, literature, music and poetry. Some jewelry pieces are also considered works…

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Life Changing Events That Change Insurance Needs

Life Changing Events that Change Insurance Needs

A one-size-fits-all insurance policy doesn’t exist. Insurance needs will change significantly throughout an individual’s lifetime and it can do so within a very short time. Everyone should review their life insurance policy with their agent once a year to ensure…

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Do You Have All The Insurance You Need?

Do You Have All the Insurance You Need?

Part of your financial plan should include protecting your assets, including your possessions, as well as your income, loved ones and health-related financial concerns. Insurance isn't very exciting, and it can certainly be expensive. But when you need it, you’ll…

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Do College Students Need Insurance Coverage?

Do College Students Need Insurance Coverage?

College is full of new experiences and opportunities. Few parents preparing to send their adult children off to college have insurance on their mind, but it should be in the forefront of planning. Many students and parents only discover after…

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