Can an Unborn Baby be Insured?
There are no life insurance policies that will provide coverage for an unborn child in the U.S., though they are available in other parts of the world. Life insurance policies are designed to pay for funeral costs, final financial obligations, and to protect dependents such as a spouse or existing children in the event the policyholder dies.
Since the unborn has no dependents, there’s no need for coverage. A life insurance policy can be purchased for a baby after its born, but not before. There are no insurers in the U.S. that will write a life insurance policy for the unborn. This is extremely important since the Supreme Court returned abortion decisions back to the individual states and each state is redefining the definition of “child.”
Insurance, as it relates to the unborn in the U.S., is a mother’s healthcare insurance. It pays the expenses of the mother before, during and after pregnancy, along with the baby after its born. However, when it comes to health insurance for pregnant women, the cost can significantly increase, depending on the insurer.
For those that want life insurance on their child, there are some insurers willing to write a policy as soon as the baby is 14 days old. The cost can vary widely among insurance companies. Some offer policies with premiums for as little as $6 per month, while others charge $25 per month. Coverage can range from $5,000 to as much as $30,000. The cost is determined by the level of coverage desired and other policy stipulations.
The best option is for individuals or couples to invest in their own life insurance policy before pregnancy is on the table. Anyone that may be planning a pregnancy should look at their healthcare policy closely to determine the full extent of their coverage. Healthcare must offer prenatal, childbirth and newborn benefits, but there can be limitations to financial coverage.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
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6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487