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What is Lost Wages Insurance?

There are any number of accidents that can render an individual unable to work. Depending on the circumstances,  personal injury protection (PIP) coverage through car insurance, Workers’ Compensation, and a personal disability policy will help with lost wages.

Disability Insurance

The policies are available for short- and long-term disability. It can replace lost income and aid in protecting a family from financial hardship. Depending on the individual, they may also qualify for veterans’ program and Social Security Disability.

A personally purchased disability policy is the best solution, even if individuals can receive benefits through PIP coverage in a car accident or employer-paid benefits through Workers’ Compensation. A personal policy will pay from 50 to 70 percent of the person’s income and benefits aren’t taxed if individuals pay for them.

PIP Benefits

PIP pays individuals 60 percent of disability benefits for a loss of income and earning ability if they’re injured in a vehicle accident. The coverage also includes reasonable expenses associated with hiring someone to perform tasks that the injured party is unable to do. That can include a maid, gardener, dog walker, babysitter, or laundry service. Personal injury protection (PIP) pays up to $10,000 in benefits.

The minimum payment schedule for benefits is every 2 weeks. Any family members involved in the same accident are also entitled to the benefits. People covered by PIP can also sue for any amounts that PIP won’t pay, including medical-related costs. The amount that individuals can collect will depend on the county in which the accident occurred. Not all counties have the same requirements and there are other factors that can affect settlements.

Workers’ Compensation

Individuals may also receive recompense through Workers; Compensation if they’re injured at work. Not every employer is required to carry the federal insurance. It provides wage replacement, medical treatment and other benefits. Workers’ Compensation also provides vocational rehabilitation if an individual isn’t able to continue to work in the same profession.

For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.


The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487