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Benefits of Safe Driving Apps

Just about every insurance company has some form of safe driving monitoring device. They collect a lot of information about the drivers in the household, but they also have the potential to save people money on their car insurance. There are many apps for self-monitoring, without necessarily giving access to the insurance company about driving habits. Many are free and are available for iPhone and Android-based phones. They can easily be downloaded and will silence calls, texts and other notifications once the vehicle reaches 10 or 15 mph. They will send an automated response.

More Mindful Motoring

Knowing that the app is monitoring driving habits can make individuals more careful drivers, while working to improve their skills. The apps monitor variables that include acceleration, braking, sudden stops and phone usage while behind the wheel. Features vary among apps.

Teen Drivers

The apps can be especially beneficial for teaching teen drivers how to be safer motorists. The data collected can assist parents in determining if their teen requires more practice before being licensed.

Cost Savings

People that drive less typically enjoy better rates since they spend less time on the road and have a reduced chance of being involved in an accident.

Defensive Driving Skills

Simply knowing the driving app is there can improve defensive driving skills. Individuals become more aware of their surroundings, potential hazards, make better decisions, and are better able to avoid problems.

Reduce Violations

Everyone accidently violates a driving law at some point due to any number of reasons. A driving app can be helpful in reducing driving violations, especially for those prone to actions that could result in a ticket.

Fewer Maintenance Costs

Rapid acceleration, abrupt stops and similar tactics place undue wear and tear on vehicles, leading to higher repair and replacement costs. The data from a driving app can show motorists actions that are detrimental to their vehicle’s heath. Those actions also use more fuel and ending the bad habits will save people money at the pump.

For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.


The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487