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Keeping Your Home Safe While Away on Vacation

Many people arrive home from a restful vacation, only to discover their home has been the site of a burglary. There are a number of basic precautions that will significantly reduce the potential of having your home burglarized

Need to Know Basis

Severely limit the number of people that know you’re leaving on vacation. The fewer people that know, the less likely the information will accidently find it’s way to the unscrupulous.


Each room should have timers set at different times, preferably to coincide with regular room usage. It gives the impression that someone is home. Outdoor lights should also be equipped with timers, along with motion sensors if possible.

Social Media Posts

Don’t disclose your status on social media platforms or post pictures of how much fun you’re having. Would-be

intruders often peruse social media to find easy targets.

Home Systems

Unplug electronics and place surge protectors on any appliances that can’t be unplugged. Make sure that smoke detectors have fresh batteries and are in working order. To minimize electricity usage, set air conditioning and HVAC systems to a higher temperature so you’re not cooling a home that’s unoccupied. It’s entirely possible that a power outage or surge can occur while you’re gone.

Protect Valuables

If you have art work, jewelry or collections that could be at risk, don’t forget to place them in a secure location before you leave. The same is true of recreational vehicles and expensive lawn equipment. Make sure the garage and any outbuildings are securely locked.

Security Providers

For those that have security alarms or monitored security, notify the security company that you’ll be on vacation. Let them know the exact days during which you’ll be away. Installing a video doorbell or similar device is also a good idea. You can monitor your home from afar on your phone.

Pet Protection

You’d be surprised to learn how many people forget to make appropriate arrangements for their pets. Hire a pet sitter if possible or locate a reputable boarding facility. You’ll need to have someone come in to smaller pets such as fish, hamsters or parakeets.

For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.


The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487